On discount policy

This is an old email communication, that occured a while ago (end of 2010). Huge evil MLV decided to improve their bottom line in Q4 (their results for Q3 were their best to date by the way) by taking some money from it's suppliers. Don't ask why it came up now. Also, there will be no epimyth or conclusion, I am posting it just for fun. And yes, they backed off eventually.

The order is reversed — the reply comes first.

From: Vadim
Date: 2010/11/2
Subject: Re: Urgent and Important -- Your Immediate Support Required

Dear Didier

I must say, that I find your idea fresh, and inspiring. Really, I do. I have even decided to aply the same policy to the local grocery store. You can find my draft preposition to them below.

First of all I'll tell them about my problems. There is no doubt, that these will be of utmost interest for them. Why wouldn't they?

- The weather has been lame lately

- I have recently aquired a cat, and forced to suffer its operating costs, which are quite high these days

- They have cancelled Caprica, my favorite TV Show. Can you believe that? I am sooo sad...

- The rash on my back is getting stronger, I need to do something about it

Given the above, I'll require the grocer to provide me 10% discount for the next two years (they have no choice indeed, because I am such an important client. I come there every day, and buy a baguette, a couple of croissants, and sometimes a pack of tea, and even a bottle of wine. Very important.) I'll also throw a remark, that I might become a habitual drunkard someday, and start buying wine every day to gild the pill.

When they accept my kindest offer, I'll approach to other shops and providers I am attending, starting the from the energy company, and the ISP. What do you think of my plan?

Unfortunately negotiation with all those suppliers will leave me no time for Huge Evil MLV projects for the next two months.

Thank you so much for inspiration

Warmest regards
Vadim Poguliaev  

Huge Evil MLV Vendor Management – IMPORTANT – DO NOT REPLY

<pmagyar_listsender@hugeevilmlv.com> wrote:

Dear Vadim Poguliaev,

The global economic downturn of 2008 and 2009 affected all of us. Together, as translation partners, we weathered this challenging and uncertain economic environment and demonstrated our value to clients worldwide. Today, while some economies are showing some signs of improvement, the overall demand environment remains fragile and volatile:

In today’s uncertain economic environment customers expect all of us to deliver “more for less”. To remain competitive, we are all demanding more from ourselves to meet these challenges.

Against the backdrop of this negative economic context, effective November 1, 2010 through January 1, 2011 we require all our partners to provide a 5% discount on all Huge Evil MLV projects. This discount is independent of any other agreements we may have in place with you.

Huge Evil MLV is not taking this step lightly and understands the effort it represents. Please keep in mind the following points:

  • In most markets, Evil MLV bears the full burden and risk associated with exchange-rate fluctuations; as a USD denominated company this means we have effectively seen our outsourcing costs rise by approximately 6% in the last month alone;
  • Huge evil MLV continues to put tremendous effort into securing new and existing customers and markets, effectively providing for our and YOUR future revenue streams;
  • .

In closing, I want to reiterate Huge Evil MLV’s commitment to increasing market demand for translation services by providing the industry’s most innovative, efficient and high-quality services that enable clients to extend their global reach. As our translation partner, your success is tightly aligned with our success. I want to personally thank you for the services you are providing to Huge Evil MLV during these challenging times and I look forward to extending our partnership in 2011 and beyond.

Thank you,


C-level guy from huge evil MLV